Apply for Commissioner Appointment to Authorities, Boards, Commissions, and Committees

The Gates County Board of Commissioners encourages all citizens to research and apply for boards and committees in which they are interested in serving to help better our community! Submitted board applications are considered by the Board of Commissioners during a regular session meeting. Please feel free to contact the Clerk to the Board at 252-357-2495 with any questions or concerns. 

After the Commissioner's meeting all applicants are notified of the Board's decision within a timely manner.
You may apply by completing an online application below or printing the application and returning or mailing the application to the County Manager's Office at 115 Court Street, Gatesville, NC 27938

 Application For Appointment: 
This application is public record and I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that any misstatement may be cause for my removal from any Board, Commission, or Committee. I understand regular attendance to any Board, Commission, or Committee is important and accordingly. I further understand that if my attendance is less than the standards established for each board, commission, or committee is cause for removal. Lacking any written standards for attendance by any Board, Commission, or Committee it is expected that I will attend at least 75% of all meetings during any one calendar year to maintain my seat to which I may be appointed. This form will remain active for one year after receipt.
Are you a Full-Time resident of Gates County

Do you have any delinquent Gates County taxes?

Sex *

Race *

Voting District

I understand this application is public record and I certify that the facts contained in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that any misstatement may be cause for my removal. *
I understand regular attendance to any Board, Commission or Committee is important and accordingly. I further understand that if my attendance is less than the standards established for each board, commission or committee is cause for removal. *

* - denotes required field