Tax Administration


The Tax Department maintains real and personal property records for the purpose of billing ad valorem tax. The County has approximately 11,200 parcels on record. Of these parcels, approximately 365 carry an exempt status. The non-exempt parcels carry an estimated market value of $748,306,452. The County's books indicate a value of $67,214,527 on all other personal properties (farm equipment, watercraft, aircraft, single-wide mobile homes, unregistered motor vehicles, and business personal). There are currently 24 corporate utilities located in Gates County with a tax value of $37,476,585.

The Department also maintains all mapping associated with land records. The County has updated GIS to include aerial photography from 2020. This enables a fully integrated GIS system, which is a division of the Tax Department.

The Tax Department also bills and collects fire protection fees for the County.

The Tax Department also bills and collects Solid Waste Fees for the County.

The Tax Department bills and collects for three drainage districts located in the County. Those districts are Hobbsville, Holly Grove, and Ellis Swamp.

The Tax Department also bills and collects for the Town of Gatesville. Town tax billed on all real and personal properties is approximately $56,479 with an estimated market value of $30,771,958.






All persons owning Personal Property on the first day of January 2025 shall be required to give in the same for taxes. All persons who own personal property and fail to list it will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction be subject to the penalties prescribed by law. 

Abstracts will be mailed to all persons who listed the personal property for 2024. Please complete your abstract and return to the Gates County Tax Department by January 31, 2025.  All Real estate will be pre-listed.  If there have been any changes in your real estate during 2024, the changes must be reported to the Tax Department by January 31, 2025. 

All licensed vehicles are not to be listed on the abstract, only unlicensed (untagged) motor vehicles and vehicles with permanent plates must be listed annually and will be billed with other personal property, such as boats, motors, jet skis, ATVs, campers, mobile homes, airplanes, and farm equipment.  

All personal property listed after the listing period ending January 31st will be subject to a penalty of 10% of the total tax on personal property. 

EXEMPTION OR DEFERMENT FOR THE ELDERLY: If you are over 65 and/or totally and permanently disabled and Gates County is your permanent residence, depending upon the income you may be eligible for the homestead exemption or circuit breaker deferment.  Contact the Gates County Tax Department for more information or access the application on the county website here.

DISABLED VETERAN OR SPOUSE OF DISABLED VETERAN EXEMPTION: Please contact the Gates County Tax Department or access the application on the county website here.


USE VALUE TAXATION: If you are not receiving use value, please check with the tax department if you own a parcel of agricultural land with 10 acres or greater or a parcel of woodland with 20 acres or greater.  If a property with USE VALUE has changed ownership or type of use, you have until the listing period ends on January 31, 2025, to notify the Tax Department to avoid penalty.  USE VALUE TAXATION creates DEFERRED TAXES. 

If you do not receive a 2025 listing abstract by mail and need to list the personal property with the Tax Department, the listing abstract can be found on the County website here.

If you need assistance with any of the above, please contact the Tax Department at (252) 357-1360 or visit our office in the Gates County Office Building, 200 Court Street, Gatesville, NC Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.