Veterans Services

The Gates County Veterans Service Office is an advocate for veterans and their dependents. This office assists with service-connected disabilities and non-service-connected pensions, educational, burial, insurance, and other benefits.

Who is Eligible for VA Benefits?
You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are:
  • A veteran
  • A veteran's dependent
  • A surviving spouse or child of a deceased war time veteran
Disability Benefits
We administer two disability programs. Both pay monthly benefits to disabled veterans.
Disability Compensation:  We can pay you compensation if you are at least 10% disabled as a result of your military service.
Disability Pension:  We can pay you a pension if you are a wartime veteran with limited income and you are no longer able to work.  There is no deadline for applying for disability benefits.

Education and Training
We pay benefits to eligible veterans, dependents, reservists, and services members while they are in an approved training program. Montgomery GI Bill Persons who first entered active duty after June 30, 1985, are generally eligible. Some Vietnam Era veterans and certain Veterans separated under special programs are also eligible. The bill also includes a program for certain reservists and National Guard members.  The Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP) is a program for veterans who entered active duty for the first time after December 31, 1976, and before July 1, 1985, and have contributed to a training fund. Survivors' & Dependents' Educational Assistance Some family members of disabled or deceased veterans are eligible for education benefits.

Generally, veterans have 10 years from the date they were last released from active duty to use their education benefits. Spouses generally have 10 years from the date first found eligible. Children are eligible from age 18 to 26. These limits can sometimes be extended.

Vocational Rehabilitation
We can help certain service-disabled veterans to get and keep suitable employment. Some of the services we provide are:
  • Payment of training costs
  • Monthly payments to help with living expenses
  • Vocational and personal counseling
  • Medical and dental treatment, if needed

You generally have 12 years from the date we notify you of your eligibility. You may have longer if certain conditions prevent you from training, or if you have a serious employment handicap. 

Home Loans
We offer a number of home loan services to eligible veterans, some military personnel, and certain spouses. Guaranteed Loans: We can guarantee part of a loan from a private lender to help you buy a home, a manufactured home, a lot, or certain types of condominiums. We also guarantee loans for building, repairing, and improving homes. Refinancing Loans: If you have a mortgage, we may be able to help you refinance your loan at a lower interest rate.

Special Grants Certain disabled veterans can receive grants to have their homes specially adapted to their needs. There is no time limit for a VA home loan, except for eligible reservist. Their eligibility expired October 28, 1999.

Burial Benefits:
We can offer benefits and services to honor our Nations' deceased veterans.

Headstones and Markers: 
We can furnish a monument to mark the unmarked grave of an eligible veteran.

Burial Flag-We can provide an American flag to drape an eligible veteran's casket.

Reimbursement of Burial Expenses: 
Generally, we can pay a burial allowance of $1,500 for veterans who die of service-related causes. For certain veterans, we can pay $300 for burial and funeral expenses and $150 for a plot. There is no time limit for claiming reimbursement of burial expenses for a service-related death. In other cases, claims must be filled within 2 years of the veteran's burial.

Burial in a VA National Cemetery:
Most veterans and some dependents can be buried in a VA national cemetery.

Dependents' & Survivors' Benefits:
Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) is payable to survivors of:

  • Service members who died on active duty
  • Veterans who died from services-related disabilities
  • Certain veterans who were being paid 100% VA disability compensation at time of death
  • Death Pension is payable to some surviving spouses and children of deceased wartime veterans. The benefit is based on financial need.
  • VA Civilian Health and Medical Program (CHAMPVA) shares the cost of medical services for eligible dependents and survivors of certain veterans.
There are no time limits for applying for the benefits described above.