Vehicle Registration GAP Billing
What is a gap tax notice? A gap tax notice is a property tax bill that covers the months between the expiration of a vehicle’s registration and the renewal of that registration or the issuance of a new registration.
Why am I receiving a bill? The registration for the vehicle listed on this notice expired. The registration was recently renewed or a new registration was issued. During the lapse in registration, the vehicle was considered unregistered and the county is required to collect property taxes for vehicles with an unregistered status per NC General Statute 105-330.3(2).
I paid property tax when I renewed. Property taxes paid to the NC Department of Motor Vehicles at the time of renewal or issuance are for the same 12 month period as your registration. The taxes billed on this notice are only for the months your vehicle was not registered.
How can citizens avoid this? Do not have your expiration date rolled forward.
Where can I call if I have a question? Gates County Tax Office 252-357-1360