Albemarle Commission


Initially organized in 1969 under the direction of the U.S. Economic Development Administration, the Albemarle Commission is sanctioned as the lead regional organization for Region R by the federal government. Through legislation, the Commission became one of five regional planning and development commissions. The Commission has been addressing regional needs since its doors opened in 1970 and has been instrumental in the development and/or enhancement of regional infrastructure; industrial recruitment business development, labor force development, travel and tourism, community reinvestment /rehabilitation, and health and human services.

Members: 10

Term Length:

Method of Appointment:  Gates County Commissioners


Improve the ability of our member governments to enhance the quality of the lives of our citizens in the Albemarle Region through direct services and assistance in planning, program development and management, public-private partnerships and leadership.


Meetings: 3rd Thursday of every month, location varies

For more information click here.